Tag Archives: Roger Moore

The Donkey Whisperer Wins in Texas

A friend of mine, Al Vinikour, sent me the note below with the link to the video. Regardless of your politics, I think you’ll have to admit it is a great ad. The note read:

Roger Williams is the former Secretary of State in Texas under Governor Rick Perry. In that position he was the state’s director of elections.  He won the 25th Congressional District in 2012 and was just re-elected.  The district is in South Central Texas and includes a portion of Austin, the citadel of Liberalism in Texas.  Those folks must be beyond themselves over his re- election, because he is a staunch conservative.

Here is one of his campaign ads – and is probably the best political ad I’ve ever seen.  It is soooo to the point and should have been shown nationwide.

(If the link doesn’t open when you click on it, right click and choose “Open Hyperlink.)
