Stupid People of the Week: It’s a Tie between Hillary’s people and the U of M

Most times there is a clear and present winner for “Stupid Person for the Week.” It appears there is a tie.

First up for the honor: Okay, trying to get this straight. Hillary Clinton’s staff, cohorts, supporters or the eerie “Super Supporters” are telling everyone (read: Conservatives) that it is SO WRONG to refer to said Hillary — the presumed Anointed One For 2016 — by her, um, first name.

Calling Hillary Clinton, simply by Hillary, is so wrong on so many levels, don’t cha know. (I don’t know why I just slipped into Northern Minnesota lingo, but what the hay der.) It is SEXIST. It is BIGOTED. It is RACIST. (Oh, wait, Hillary is whiter-than-white). DAMN!!

Hillary, ahem, Mrs. Clinton, deserves much more respect for her past positions. What positions? Like when she spearheaded the first attempt at national health care – the precursor to ObamaCare – in which she proudly embraced the program’s name of HillaryCare. Maybe she wants to forget that really bad episode. For that, I do give her credit.

But is it so bad to call a potential or announced presidential candidate by their first name? We called the former leader of American forces against the Nazis by his frickin nickname (Ike). We referred to JFK as “Jack”. We called Carter the “idiot.” (Oh, sorry, recalling Sunday dinners.) We called Reagan “Dutch”, we called Bill Clinton “the President who has a human cigar humidor” and the left-wing media called Dubya “kind of slow”. (Actually some called him retarded, but you can’t use that term anymore as it is wrong on so many levels). Oh, the names we have for our fearless leaders.

But, we can’t call Hillary, “Hillary.”

But, SHE can in her 900-pound autobiography entitled, well, “Hillary.”

Go figure.

Second up: those geniuses at the University of Michigan were finally saved by their new football godsend Jim Harbaugh. The U of Ahem was going to show the epic classic “American Sniper” on campus until a handful of students protested. Their protest: it might offend Muslim students. True, the film shows the hero, Chris Kyle, smoking a lot of Islamic jihadists. Most Americans loved this movie. The film was fantastic, although it was not a testament to our war-mongering. It showed the bitterness of war. But the U o M puked on themselves and then had to walk back their spinelessness and approved the airing of the film. Why? Mainly because their new multi-million dollar football coach called the administration a bunch of lightweights.

Those that say universities should be more about academics than sports should take heed: the academicians had their collective heads up there you-know-where while the “dumb” football coach was thinking clearly. And, had some guts.

I think I will forever call Harbaugh “Jim.” Just as I will call Mrs. Clinton, “Hillary.”

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