Tag Archives: Hillary Clinton

My “Weekend with Bernie…Sanders”

“My message to you is lighten up on the political crap once in a while. You have the best sense of humor of anyone I have ever met. Post something that showcases that once in a while! Love you man!”

The wise words from a great friend of mine, Gordon Rinschler, a brilliant retired Chrysler engineer, forced out of the company after a tragic piston “incident” that left him with half a brain, but immediately rendered him qualified to run for the Birmingham (Michigan) City Council for two consecutive terms. (I made up the brain thing.)

So, be funny. What I find funny is The Donald, Donald Trump. He makes the heads of the media (even Fox News), Democrats and establishment Republicans explode. He reminds me of a story my younger brother Greg told me a few years ago.

Greg and his son Jackson were at the world’s greatest fair, the Iowa State Fair, famous for heart-exploding pork chops on a stick and fried sticks of butter. There was a dunk tank with a clown. This was not your run-of-the-mill clown. He was an A-hole, more obnoxious than anyone on The View. (Yes, I know, that is hard to imagine.) Anyway, this clown starts dissing the the men in the audience in order to “inspire” them to pay the five bucks to get a chance to dunk his clownishness. He would say things like “Hey buddy, is the fat chick next to you your wife or your sister, or both?” Oh, it got worse.

The crowd became incensed and dude after dude opened their wallet in order to pay back the clown and send him waterward. It was Iowa and it was “The Field of Screams.” At one point, as my brother and my nephew watched in amazement, one mouth breather in a wife-beater got into a heated, very personal debate with the clown. F-bombs and MF-bombs were flying from all quarters. My brother said out loud, “That idiot is arguing with a CLOWN.”

Well, it seems all the “smart” people think Donald Trump is a clown. Mainstream media makes jokes about his hair. And, it is acceptable. Can you imagine the outrage if anyone in the media made comment about Hillary’s big butt (and I do not lie). Egad! It would be just another example of the “war on women.” But Trump, well, he’s hair game. Ahem.

What is driving the anti-Trump crowd batty is that he is telling it like it is, in plain English we all use every day.

And The Donald is not alone. Liberal hack Chris Matthews almost peed himself the other day when interviewing Carly Fiorina when she wouldn’t step back from calling Hillary Clinton a liar. Matthews seemed appalled that Fiorina would use such non-PC in describing a political opponent.

What Matthews can’t seem to get is that to a majority of Americans, the first word that comes to mind when thinking of Hillary is “liar.” I would call her a “big, fat liar” but then I would be accused of calling her “fat” two times in one blog. Oh snap, three times.
Back to The Donald. I have told my friends who follow politics on at least five occasions that Trump was dead. Surely his dissing of the Mexicans would kill him. Calling John McCain a “loser?” Dead meat. Implying Megan Kelly was “getting a visit from her Aunt Flow?” Outta here! Nope, nope and nope.

It tells me more and more Americans are sick and tired of political correctness and the bulls—t it creates. I find it refreshing, and yes, funny.

That good enough for you Gordon Rinschler?

Keep it going Donald. Still think you are going to step in it, but then, I have been so wrong so many times in this campaign.

P.S. On the same flight out of Des Moines yesterday with Democratic presidential candidate and self-described Socialist Bernie Sanders. He stood in line with me to retrieve his luggage from the jet way. I went up to him and said, “Are you Bernie Sanders?” He said “yes.” I told him, “I am a Republican, I disagree with almost everything you say. But, I really admire your courage.” He said “thank you” and we shook hands. By the way, the Senator DOES know how to comb HIS hair, at least when he is traveling.

Is Planned Parenthood “too big to fail?”http://www.detroitnews.com/story/opinion/2015/08/17/planned-parenthood-big-fail/31654643/

See the link below for a compelling op-ed by CareNet CEO Roland Warren that appeared today in The Detroit News. CareNet is the largest pregnancy counseling service in the United States and Canada. I serve on their Board of Directors.


Where have you gone Joe (DiMaggio) Biden and Lizzy Warren?

Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio? Old question. Where have you gone Joe Biden, and for that matter, Elizabeth Warren? Put on your cleats because the Democratic National Committee is about to go on the free agent market and get a couple of pinch hitters seeing how their star, Hillary Clinton, has pulled a “groan” going from first to second base.

Note: Sorry for the baseball analogies, but I must. My team, the Detroit Tigers, have given up, so this is the only way to handle the last month and a half of the regular season.

For the Dems, accepting socialist Bernie Sanders as their candidate is like my Republicans accepting The Donald. Yes, it is fun and funny to hear them talk on the stump to ginormous crowds, but then, it is totally unsettling. Americans voters are pretty thick, but I don’t see them voting for a guy that can’t comb his hair (Sanders) or a guy whose hair is a running joke. (Donald, do not get in a convertible with the top down. Your hair will get caught in the rear wheel and you will break your neck. Oh, second thought: Donald, I am sending you a convertible for a test drive tomorrow.)

So, what can the Dems do? Count on “Uncle” Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren to enter the league. For Biden, it’s his last political gasp, supposedly inspired by his son Beau who sadly died way too young this summer. He is the most likeable dork in the free world. He steps on his (Trump’s word) “whatever” on a weekly basis and we all forgive him. Oh, that Uncle Joe! Warren, meanwhile, is the darling of the Left who don’t realize that they are indeed socialists. And, Warren can corner the market of the Native American vote, as she is, ahem, one of them.

With the F.B.I. announcing that they are commandeering Hillary’s personal server, she very well be toast. Her lies have finally caught up with her. Maybe. My guess is her server was deflated more than a Tom Brady football and then run over with a steam roller. Hill will claim she and Bubba Clinton left it out front of their New York estate – which they bought when they were “dead broke” — and the trash truck ran over it.

Sadly (not really, I am smiling now), Hillary’s “trustworthy” polling numbers are also in the trash. You cannot, overnight, raise your trustworthy number when you are in the midst of a growing scandal, day by day, and everything you said last week, last month, proves to be a bald-face lie. Hillary Clinton’s campaign is in a death spiral, aided and abetted by the Obama Administration when its police force, the Department of Justice and the F.B.I.,although they refused to enter the fray in other scandals like Fast and Furious, the I.R.S. debacle, etc., but now are hot on Mrs. Clinton’s trail of lies and deceit.

Know well and good that Barack and Michelle Obama hate, really hate, the Clintons. President Obama is on a legacy mission: he would be happy to lose the sad Iranian nuke deal if Hillary gets busted. Hell, if Chris Christie would somehow win the White House, expect Mr. Obama at the inauguration giving the big fella a payback hug after he is sworn in by Chief Justice Roberts.

Look for Biden, Warren or both to enter the race on or before Labor Day. Let the games begin, minus the Hil-liar-y.

Reposting Detroit News blog “Abortion: Taking it to the Streets”

(This blog first appeared in the “Politics Blog” of The Detroit News on July 9, 2013. Sadly, it is still true today in light of the outrage over Planned Parenthood and its supporters struggling to defend these baby butchers.)

Abortion: Taking It to the Streets

Back here in D.C. after a glorious week in Northern Michigan, I was struck that as I walked to my office, a smattering of homeless folks and young ladies in pink shirts with clipboards were on literally every corner.

“Sir,” one such pink lady cheerfully called to me, “can I talk to you a minute about women’s rights?”

I normally don’t engage, but with sweat dripping down the back of my neck today I decided to go for it. “Okay,” I said, “if I can ask you a question first.” She smiled and said sure.

“You work for Planned Parenthood, right?” (It’s not that I am intuitive: her pink shirt had the organization emblazoned on the front.) “Can we talk about the rights of the little unborn girl—a woman—in her mother’s womb?”

Her smile was instantly gone as she struggled to come up with a response until finally resorting to the “right to safe and affordable abortions” as a “woman’s health issue.”

“Really” I countered. “Isn’t killing an unborn girl in the womb of an otherwise healthy woman the ultimate ‘woman’s health issue’?”

By now, the cheery young lady was ticked, and the clichés continued, only this time with a touch of venom. “Listen, a man shouldn’t be able to determine what a woman can or can’t do with her body.”

“So, why then did you ask me if I wanted to talk about women’s rights?”

She walked away, and I headed to the office, passing a homeless guy I see almost every day. “Hey, got any spare change?” he asked as he finished a 16-ounce can of breakfast beer. I threw them a couple of quarters (all I had) and walked on, trying to decide which encounter was sadder: A broken man with no hope and no home, or a young mind peddling misleading marketing for an organization that, by its own records, performed more than 330,000 abortions last year and almost one million over the past three years.

Obama Gets Outraged Over “Some” Kids’ Deaths

(This column first appeared on April 18, 2013 in the “Politics Blog” of The Detroit News. It is a part of my new book, “Jimmy Hoffa Called my Mom a Bitch!: Profiles in Stupidity,” that is being published this fall. It is still relevant today in light of the horrors of Planned Parenthood.)

Our President has a hard time keeping his outrage consistent over the deaths of innocent young people. When the Senate failed to pass new gun control legislation, a key component of his much sought-after legacy (remember, it’s all about him despite his protestations), the President had a hissy fit in the Rose Garden in front of his familiar props throughout the gun control debate: the grieving parents of the Sandy Hook victims. Mr. Obama’s outburst included calling his opponents the L-word that is supposedly verboten in Washington politics: “The gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the bill,” Mr. Obama screamed. Remember the outrage when Congressman Wilson shouted “You Lie” during the State of the Union presidential address?

Yes, indeed, the President was throwing a temper tantrum because his legacy train had been derailed and was doing so in front of people who, just months ago, had buried their little treasures, and would most likely re-live their horror every day for the rest of their lives.

When the bombs went off in Boston killing three, including an eight-year-old boy, Mr. Obama’s outrage was clearly more under control as initially he would not describe the bombing as a “terrorist” attack. When asked what would keep the President from calling it such immediately after an obvious-to-everyone terrorist attack (regardless from right-wing or left-wing nut jobs or straight from Hell), longtime Obama advisor David Axelrod told MSNBC: “I’m sure what was going through the President’s mind is—we really don’t know who did this—it was Tax Day.” What?

And, of course, Mr. Obama is outrage-free over the alleged murders by the abortionist in Philadelphia, currently on trial finally covered by some of the MSM after they were shamed into showing up. (The Washington Post eventually agreed to cover the trial after initially balking, calling it a “local crime story.” Of course, that logic makes the Sandy Hook and Aurora massacres, the Oklahoma City bombing, and Jeffrey Dahmer’s cannibalism-spree “local crime stories.”) There will be no outrage on Mr. Obama’s part unless he has “evolved” on the subject of what Dr. Kermit Gosnell had been up to in his house of horrors in the City of Brotherly Love: botching abortions and then all-but decapitating the live-birth babies (one so big he told a co-worker the six-pound baby was “big enough to walk me to the bus stop”).

Just wondering: do all abortion doctors offer this type of side-splitting humor as they carry on their duties?

Partial-term (what pro-abortionists call them) or late-term abortions (what they really are) of these young, innocent lives apparently have never really bothered Mr. Obama, nor the First Lady. While Mr. Obama was running for the U.S. Senate seat in Illinois in 2004, Mrs. Obama sent out a fundraising letter, which read:

“We have all been concerned lately with the rise of conservatism in this country, especially as it relates to women. You’ve read the alarming news about the Justice Department’s request for hospitals to turn over the private medical records of dozens of patients. This cynical ploy is designed to intimidate a group of physicians and force them to drop their lawsuit seeking to have the so-called partial birth abortion ban ruled unconstitutional.

“The fact remains, with no provision to protect the health of the mother, this ban on a legitimate medical procedure is clearly unconstitutional and must be overturned.”

When Mrs. Obama’s letter resurfaced in the 2008 presidential contest, Mr. Obama’s handlers pooh-poohed it as just an example of Mr. Obama’s firm belief in a woman’s right to choose.


Protecting the Second Amendment of the Constitution is what President Obama referred to as a “Shameful day for Washington.” But banning the killing of babies capable of surviving outside the womb (Mrs. Obama’s “legitimate medical procedure”) is “clearly unconstitutional.” Mr. and Mrs. Obama’s lack of outrage in this arena is clearly outrageous.

Reposting “The Silence of the Left” in light of sick Planned Parenthood haggling over baby body parts prices

The Silence of the Left (Where are you on this Hillary, Bernie, Martin and Lincoln? And please don’t accuse me of just repeating what Rush Limbaugh said yesterday on the radio. I first posted this days ago.)

“I’d say a lot of people want liver,” she says in the video posted on the Center for Medical Progress’s Web site, between bites of salad. “And for that reason, most providers will do this case under ultrasound guidance so they’ll know where they’re putting their forceps.”

A report in The Washington Post July 14, 2015

No, it wasn’t Hannibal Lecter the Post was quoting; it was one of the lead butchers at Planned Parenthood, Deborah Nucatola, the abortion industry’s lead director of medical research. She was caught in a sting by admittedly anti-abortion forces talking about the best ways to harvest the most vital organs of babies, usually late-term, on the abortion table. Critics, including Planned Parenthood itself, chastised the “stingers” for fabricating a fake “stem cell seeking” company to fool the good doctor. Funny, ever hear of 60 Minutes, Dateline NBC or ABC’s 20/20? I guess it is hunky dory when the liberal media portrays itself as something else to catch the “bad guys”, but when a conservative group sets up a damning sting – whether it be ACORN or NPR — it is unethical.

As The Washington Post reported, “The anti-abortion group on Tuesday released an undercover video of an official at Planned Parenthood discussing in graphic detail how to abort a fetus to preserve its organs for medical research — as well as the costs associated with sharing that tissue with scientists.

“Over lunch at a Los Angeles restaurant, two antiabortion activists posing as employees from a biotech firm met with Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical research. Armed with cameras, the activists recorded Nucatola talking about Planned Parenthood’s work donating fetal tissue to researchers and pressed her on whether the clinics were charging for the organs.

“The Center for Medical Progress, which recorded and edited the video, says the footage proves that Planned Parenthood is breaking the law by selling fetal organs. But the video does not show Nucatola explicitly talking about selling organs. The Planned Parenthood official says the organization is “very, very sensitive” about being perceived as illegally profiting from organ sales and charges only for the cost, for instance, of shipping the tissue.

“The video threatens to reignite a long-standing debate over the use of fetal tissue harvested through abortions and could add fuel to efforts seeking to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy.
“In a statement, a spokesman for Planned Parenthood said the video misrepresents the organization’s work. Planned Parenthood clinics, with a patient’s permission, may sometimes donate fetal tissue for use in stem cell research, said the spokesman, who added that the group’s affiliates, which operate independently, do not profit from these donations.”

Watch the video (now videos), it is all over the Internet and it is chilling. That’s the main story, but there is a hidden one as well. Later in The Washington Post piece, two Republican presidential candidates, were quoted after they posted messages on the Internet.
According to The Washington Post, “A number of Republicans, including a few presidential candidates, reacted Tuesday to the video.

“This latest news is tragic and outrageous,” Carly Fiorina wrote on Facebook.

“This is a shocking and horrific reminder that we must do so much more to foster a culture of life in America,” said Jeb Bush on Twitter.”

But, The Washington Post stopped there. Did they reach out to any Democratic candidates to see their views on the issue? True, the Republicans posted their comments, but shouldn’t an intrepid reporter, fair and balanced, want the view of the other political party presidential candidates?

Oh, nay, nay, nay. You wouldn’t want to put pro-abortion advocates Clinton, Sanders and O’Malley on the spot. Even if they gave neutral statements, the pro-abortion lobby would go nuts for them not bowing at the altar of the baby-killing factory system known as Planned UNParenthood. And if this video sting operation plays out – which the stingers promise — it’s not just about killing babies; it’s about selling them, piece by valuable piece.

How about a nice baby and some fava beans? Jesus.

Stupid People of the Week: It’s a Tie between Hillary’s people and the U of M

Most times there is a clear and present winner for “Stupid Person for the Week.” It appears there is a tie.

First up for the honor: Okay, trying to get this straight. Hillary Clinton’s staff, cohorts, supporters or the eerie “Super Supporters” are telling everyone (read: Conservatives) that it is SO WRONG to refer to said Hillary — the presumed Anointed One For 2016 — by her, um, first name.

Calling Hillary Clinton, simply by Hillary, is so wrong on so many levels, don’t cha know. (I don’t know why I just slipped into Northern Minnesota lingo, but what the hay der.) It is SEXIST. It is BIGOTED. It is RACIST. (Oh, wait, Hillary is whiter-than-white). DAMN!!

Hillary, ahem, Mrs. Clinton, deserves much more respect for her past positions. What positions? Like when she spearheaded the first attempt at national health care – the precursor to ObamaCare – in which she proudly embraced the program’s name of HillaryCare. Maybe she wants to forget that really bad episode. For that, I do give her credit.

But is it so bad to call a potential or announced presidential candidate by their first name? We called the former leader of American forces against the Nazis by his frickin nickname (Ike). We referred to JFK as “Jack”. We called Carter the “idiot.” (Oh, sorry, recalling Sunday dinners.) We called Reagan “Dutch”, we called Bill Clinton “the President who has a human cigar humidor” and the left-wing media called Dubya “kind of slow”. (Actually some called him retarded, but you can’t use that term anymore as it is wrong on so many levels). Oh, the names we have for our fearless leaders.

But, we can’t call Hillary, “Hillary.”

But, SHE can in her 900-pound autobiography entitled, well, “Hillary.”

Go figure.

Second up: those geniuses at the University of Michigan were finally saved by their new football godsend Jim Harbaugh. The U of Ahem was going to show the epic classic “American Sniper” on campus until a handful of students protested. Their protest: it might offend Muslim students. True, the film shows the hero, Chris Kyle, smoking a lot of Islamic jihadists. Most Americans loved this movie. The film was fantastic, although it was not a testament to our war-mongering. It showed the bitterness of war. But the U o M puked on themselves and then had to walk back their spinelessness and approved the airing of the film. Why? Mainly because their new multi-million dollar football coach called the administration a bunch of lightweights.

Those that say universities should be more about academics than sports should take heed: the academicians had their collective heads up there you-know-where while the “dumb” football coach was thinking clearly. And, had some guts.

I think I will forever call Harbaugh “Jim.” Just as I will call Mrs. Clinton, “Hillary.”

“Sources”: Bubba and Hillary talk “Yoga” and “Toga”

This morning one of my incredibly unreliable sources gave me the transcript of a telephone conversation last night between former President Bill “Bubba” Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. My source – let’s call him Wang – said he snagged the conversation when his colleagues in Beijing were hastily removing their remote monitoring equipment from the Clinton’s private e-mail server and phone lines in their New York home.

(Caution: the following conversation is very graphic in nature.)

Bubba: Hello Honey.

Hillary: Who is this?

Bubba: It’s the big guy with the great hair, even at my age.

Hillary: So, how are negotiations with the Iranians going Secretary Kerry?

Bubba: Hill, it’s me, your boy, Bubba.

Hillary: What do YOU want?

Bubba: I watched your press conference at the U.N. this afternoon.

Hillary: What difference, at this point, does it make?

Bubba: Hill, Hill, I told you to lose that line, didn’t I?

Hillary: I know. So, how did I do?

Bubba: For the most part, it was great honey, but…

Hillary: But WHAT, Bill?

Bubba: Well, uh, um, why did you have to mention the Toga Party I threw at the house when you were travelling to Russia to push that “Reset Button” back in 2009?

Hillary: What Toga Party!!!!!!??????

Bubba: It wasn’t that big – only a couple hundred co-eds from the local community college. They only broke a couple a lamps and only three of the young gals puked on the carpet. And trust me honey, I did not have sexual relations with any of those young women. So, back to my question if I may: why did you have to bring up the Toga Party yesterday?

Hillary: I didn’t say “Toga” numb nuts. I said there were private emails discussing Chelsea’s wedding, Mom’s funeral and “YOGA.” ya putz.

Bubba: Oh, my bad. I love Yoga, especially when you load it up with those chocolate sprinkle thingies, Reese’s Pieces and some nacho cheese sauce. But why talk about ice cream in a press conference where you are on the hot seat?

Hillary: I did it to throw people off. I did learn at least something from you. I mean, who can question Yoga, the ancient exercise routine that keeps you in great physical shape?

Bubba: Oh, I get it. So when you gonna start this Yoga thing Hill?

Hillary: Go to hell Bill. Go to hell. (Click)

Mitt and Putin ONE; Obama and Hillary ZERO

Every PR person worth their salt knows that timing is not just everything; sometimes it’s the only thing. Consider what happened today on opposite sides of Mother Earth. In the U.S., Mitt Romney rocked the political world by abandoning what seemed like a sure run for the White House in which he was leading in every major poll of Republican hopefuls. Thousands of miles away, Russian-supported troops took over a town in Eastern Ukraine.

 Two-plus years ago, President Obama cockily mocked then-candidate Mitt Romney in a debate because Romney had the “audacity” to suggest that Russia was our country’s biggest geo-political threat. Earlier, of course, Obama and Obama alone had “fixed” the problem with Russia when he whispered sweet nothings into the ear of Putin’s bag man, then President Dmitri “Can I buy a vowel” Medvedev: “I need space. This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.” Medvedev replied, “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.” Transmit? Wow, spoken as only a true Russian Commie can.

 Obama had every right to be confident in his ability to be the quintessential world leader. (Not!) After all, earlier he had sent his Secretary of State to Moscow where Hillary pushed a “Reset” button, ala Staples. Famously, the Russian word for reset is “perezagruzka,” but ‘ol Hill had a button with the word “peregruzka” on it. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrow “playfully” told the Secretary her button meant “overcharged.” Mrs. Clinton then, infamously, started to cackle like a hyena on crack.

 Sadly, as we all know now, Romney was right all along, despite Obama’s smart-assed diss. And Putin now knows how weak we are as a global force under our President; so much so he can do what he pleases in his backyard and support all kinds of bad actors – from Iran, to Syria, to North Korea and now to Greece. And with each new day, the world gets a lot scarier because Hillary botched a “reset” and Obama has more “flexibility.” I suppose that bending over backwards to help the bad guys is a sign of flexibility…or, more likely, the lack of a spine.

 I hope that as a country, we don’t make the same mistake in 2016 that too many made in 2012, even after the hope-and-change-turned-folly of 2008 was staring voters in the face.