Tag Archives: Joe Biden

Where have you gone Joe (DiMaggio) Biden and Lizzy Warren?

Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio? Old question. Where have you gone Joe Biden, and for that matter, Elizabeth Warren? Put on your cleats because the Democratic National Committee is about to go on the free agent market and get a couple of pinch hitters seeing how their star, Hillary Clinton, has pulled a “groan” going from first to second base.

Note: Sorry for the baseball analogies, but I must. My team, the Detroit Tigers, have given up, so this is the only way to handle the last month and a half of the regular season.

For the Dems, accepting socialist Bernie Sanders as their candidate is like my Republicans accepting The Donald. Yes, it is fun and funny to hear them talk on the stump to ginormous crowds, but then, it is totally unsettling. Americans voters are pretty thick, but I don’t see them voting for a guy that can’t comb his hair (Sanders) or a guy whose hair is a running joke. (Donald, do not get in a convertible with the top down. Your hair will get caught in the rear wheel and you will break your neck. Oh, second thought: Donald, I am sending you a convertible for a test drive tomorrow.)

So, what can the Dems do? Count on “Uncle” Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren to enter the league. For Biden, it’s his last political gasp, supposedly inspired by his son Beau who sadly died way too young this summer. He is the most likeable dork in the free world. He steps on his (Trump’s word) “whatever” on a weekly basis and we all forgive him. Oh, that Uncle Joe! Warren, meanwhile, is the darling of the Left who don’t realize that they are indeed socialists. And, Warren can corner the market of the Native American vote, as she is, ahem, one of them.

With the F.B.I. announcing that they are commandeering Hillary’s personal server, she very well be toast. Her lies have finally caught up with her. Maybe. My guess is her server was deflated more than a Tom Brady football and then run over with a steam roller. Hill will claim she and Bubba Clinton left it out front of their New York estate – which they bought when they were “dead broke” — and the trash truck ran over it.

Sadly (not really, I am smiling now), Hillary’s “trustworthy” polling numbers are also in the trash. You cannot, overnight, raise your trustworthy number when you are in the midst of a growing scandal, day by day, and everything you said last week, last month, proves to be a bald-face lie. Hillary Clinton’s campaign is in a death spiral, aided and abetted by the Obama Administration when its police force, the Department of Justice and the F.B.I.,although they refused to enter the fray in other scandals like Fast and Furious, the I.R.S. debacle, etc., but now are hot on Mrs. Clinton’s trail of lies and deceit.

Know well and good that Barack and Michelle Obama hate, really hate, the Clintons. President Obama is on a legacy mission: he would be happy to lose the sad Iranian nuke deal if Hillary gets busted. Hell, if Chris Christie would somehow win the White House, expect Mr. Obama at the inauguration giving the big fella a payback hug after he is sworn in by Chief Justice Roberts.

Look for Biden, Warren or both to enter the race on or before Labor Day. Let the games begin, minus the Hil-liar-y.

The Cynical Reason for College Tuition Increases; And the Reason Behind it that is so Transparent

According to the Obama Administration, student loans were such a “hell” for our college kids, they were forced to federalize the system. In fact, it got so onerous earlier this year that “America’s uncle”, VP Joe Biden, called for free community college for all, following up on the lead by President Obama in an earlier State of the Union address.

The first action – federalizing the student loan program – is a future political play, while the second action – free community college – was a frivolous idea.  Heartless you say? Not. And not stupid. Basically anyone that cannot afford reasonable affordable community college can get college free through the Pell Grant program, started 50 years ago. This “free CC” Obama fake and unnecessary promise didn’t hunt. It was pure cotton candy.

However, the former, federalizing the student loan program, was and is a political ploy that will be deployed in about a year just prior to the 2016 election. More on that later. And, it is sinister, politically. But first, something equally heinous.

The annual inflation rate for years 2009 to today is between one and two percent – touching three percent a couple of months during that time and negative inflation in several months. Yet today, the Eastern Michigan University Board of Regents raised undergraduate tuition 7.8 percent for the coming school year. The tuition hike, far north of a cap of the annual 3.2 percent established by the Michigan Legislature, means the university will lose $1 million in state incentive funding for keeping tuition in check. “FU,” not EU was the response from Eastern’s spokesperson Geoff Larcom: “We’ll get $10 million” in the tuition hike. What a callous maroon.

Increasingly, the ivory towers of universities are showing they don’t give a damn about the cost of a higher education, but boy do they like their nice, new facilities while not sharing the riches with faculty. Make that adjunct faculty and graduate assistants teaching our precious children more and more. But really, why should the Regents care. The liberal elite running these institutions know what I am predicting today: the universities can soak the students all they want knowing that all will be forgiven. Soon.

That’s right. Most likely in early October 2016, expect the Obama Administration to announce the biggest loan forgiveness program in modern history targeted at student loans. It will be a cynical effort to solidify their voter base for decades. You’re 32 years old with $50,000 in loans outstanding, married with a kid or two and now you, suddenly, magically, you owe nothing? Hell, I know which political party I would vote for going forward. As Elvis used to say: “Thank you. Thank you very much.”

But who pays for this? WHAT DIFFERENCE, AT THIS POINT, DOES IT MAKE? Get my drift. (If I am wrong, I will let one of my liberal friends shave my head. But, give me a month or two cushion on either side of my prediction.)

As for the regents at Eastern Michigan University: shame on you. Really. But hell, whatever, maybe you see what I see is coming and you are just ahead of the scandal, um, er, I mean the curve.

Queen Elizabeth: Obama Advisor

This just “might” be true. A friend of mine sent it to me this afternoon.

A conversation between President Obama and Queen Elizabeth:

“Your Majesty, how do you run such an efficient government? Are there any tips you can give me?”

“Well,” said the Queen, “The most important thing is to surround yourself with intelligent people.”

Obama frowned, and then asked, “But how do I know if the people around me are really intelligent?” The Queen took a sip of champagne.

“Oh, that’s easy; you just ask them to answer an intelligent riddle, watch.” The Queen pushed a button on her intercom. “Please send Tony Blair in here, would you?”

Tony Blair walked into the room and said, “Yes, your Majesty?”

The Queen smiled and said, “Answer me this please, Tony. Your mother and father have a child. It is not your brother and it is not your sister. Who is it?

Without pausing for a moment, Tony Blair answered…”That would be me.”

“Yes! Very good.” said the Queen.

Obama went back home to ask Joe Biden the same question.

“Joe, answer this for me.” “Your mother and your father have a child. It’s not your brother and it’s not your sister. Who is it?”

“I’m not sure,” said Biden.

“Let me get back to you on that one.”

He went to his advisers and asked everyone, but none could give him an answer. Frustrated, Biden went to work out in congressional gym and saw Paul Ryan there.

Biden went up to him and asked, “Hey Paul, see if you can answer this question.”  “Your mother and father have a child and it’s not your brother or your sister.  Who is it?”

Paul Ryan answered, “That’s easy, it’s me!”

Biden smiled, and said, “Good answer Paul!” Biden then went back to speak with President Obama. “Say, I did some research and I have the answer to that riddle.”

“It’s Paul Ryan!”

Obama got up, stomped over to Biden, and angrily yelled into his face.

“NO, You idiot! It’s Tony Blair!”


Uncle Joe and #FreeCommunityCollege: Stupid is as Stupid Does

Saw a tweet from my Uncle Joe today. My uncle is your uncle: Uncle Joe Biden, Vice President of the United States.

Our, and yes, my Vice President, tweeted to showcase three mega-millionaires that were alumni of community colleges. The Axis-of-Success are stellar: Tom ‘Forrest, Forrest Gump” Hanks, George “Star Wars” Lucas and Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple. Good message; no complaints.

Uncle Joe was tweeting with the tagline #FreeCommunityCollege, an initiative launched at his boss’s State of the Union speech earlier this month. It was a hollow pitch by President Obama, knowing Republicans would, rightfully trash it. After all, students of poor families, through the 50-year-old Pell Grant program, generally get community college free, anyway. It’s been a good thing for some time. President Obama’s “new idea” means that students that can afford community college, mostly from middle-class families, can get two years of “free” community college as well.

Well, we all know that nothing in life is truly “free”; somebody has to pay for it. And, of course, at its foundation, it is a continuing theme of this Administration: redistribution of wealth. Sadly, this time, the “redistribution” TO the middle class is FROM the same middle class.

The Obama Administration threw up a trial balloon filled with what I am certain was methane gas: they would tax the I.R.S. 529 Accounts in which families set aside money – pre-tax — for their kids to go to college. It has been and is a wondrous program for families – especially middle class families – to give their kids a leg up and avoid the iceberg of student loan hell this Administration has designated as a “problem.” So how did the Obama Administration propose to “fix” this fantastic “529 problem-avoidance?” Tax it. Duh.

Thankfully, the Administration quickly flushed this turd of an idea.

Uncle Joe. Mr. Vice President, who’s counseling your people? It appears the left hand on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.

Or, perhaps, the Left Hand doesn’t know what the Left Hand is doing.

Uncle Joe, one of the community college grads you are spotlighting, Tom Hanks, said it best: “Stupid is as stupid does.”