Tag Archives: College

Uncle Joe and #FreeCommunityCollege: Stupid is as Stupid Does

Saw a tweet from my Uncle Joe today. My uncle is your uncle: Uncle Joe Biden, Vice President of the United States.

Our, and yes, my Vice President, tweeted to showcase three mega-millionaires that were alumni of community colleges. The Axis-of-Success are stellar: Tom ‘Forrest, Forrest Gump” Hanks, George “Star Wars” Lucas and Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple. Good message; no complaints.

Uncle Joe was tweeting with the tagline #FreeCommunityCollege, an initiative launched at his boss’s State of the Union speech earlier this month. It was a hollow pitch by President Obama, knowing Republicans would, rightfully trash it. After all, students of poor families, through the 50-year-old Pell Grant program, generally get community college free, anyway. It’s been a good thing for some time. President Obama’s “new idea” means that students that can afford community college, mostly from middle-class families, can get two years of “free” community college as well.

Well, we all know that nothing in life is truly “free”; somebody has to pay for it. And, of course, at its foundation, it is a continuing theme of this Administration: redistribution of wealth. Sadly, this time, the “redistribution” TO the middle class is FROM the same middle class.

The Obama Administration threw up a trial balloon filled with what I am certain was methane gas: they would tax the I.R.S. 529 Accounts in which families set aside money – pre-tax — for their kids to go to college. It has been and is a wondrous program for families – especially middle class families – to give their kids a leg up and avoid the iceberg of student loan hell this Administration has designated as a “problem.” So how did the Obama Administration propose to “fix” this fantastic “529 problem-avoidance?” Tax it. Duh.

Thankfully, the Administration quickly flushed this turd of an idea.

Uncle Joe. Mr. Vice President, who’s counseling your people? It appears the left hand on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.

Or, perhaps, the Left Hand doesn’t know what the Left Hand is doing.

Uncle Joe, one of the community college grads you are spotlighting, Tom Hanks, said it best: “Stupid is as stupid does.”