Tag Archives: racism

Farrakhan speaks “positively” about killing white people

The head of the Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, was in Motown last week, meeting with politicians, pastors and a police chief…and Marshall Mathers, aka, Eminem. He urged the rapper during a dinner “to influence people positively.”

I hope Eminem didn’t “lose himself in the moment” because days earlier the race-baiter-supreme Farrakhan, in a Washington, D.C. appearance, urged the crowd to find 10,000 of his followers to “rise up” and kill the enemy, also known as white people in this country.

Said the “wise” man of supposed faith, “Retaliation is a prescription from God to calm the breasts of those whose children have been slain. So if the federal government will not intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us. Stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling.”

It was a breathtaking example of influencing people “positively,” don’t you think?

Farrakhan visited D.C. and Detroit as part of this “Justice or Else” tour. My question is: what is the Else?

After his dinner with the 8 Mile Guy, in a post on Instagram, Farrakhan said that he “was very honored to receive my brother, Marshall Mathers aka @eminem, last night at my dinner table for a beautiful dialogue.”

So, I guess, Eminem will not be a target of the plan to kill 10,000 white people. Whew, what a relief.

Farrakhan finished off this Detroit visit with a Justice or Else event at the Fellowship Chapel in suburban Southfield with this gem: “I want you to be with us on 10-10-15. We’re going to try and clean up our act. Let us resolve that we’re going to help our community to be better.”

Did Farrakhan really mean he wanted to “white the slate clean?” Hmm.

“Race-baiting” is the Pitts

The Miami Herald’s race-baiting, syndicated columnist Leonard Pitts is back in the news doing what he does best, race-baiting, and doing so with one of the dumbest analogies I have seen in some time.

In his latest column that also graces the pages of such papers as the Detroit Free Press, Pitts charges that anyone responding to the “Black lives matter” movement with the phrase “All lives matter” is guilty of, his words, “moral cowardice.” Pitts singles out presidential candidate and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee for this “crime” against Black America.

And here comes his zinger of an analogy. Writes Pitts: “Imagine for a moment that you broke your left wrist. In excruciating pain, you rush to the emergency room for treatment only to run into a doctor who insists on examining not just your mangled left wrist, but your uninjured right wrist, rib cage, femur, fibula, sacrum, humerus, phalanges, the whole bag of bones that is you. You say, ‘Doc, it’s just my left wrist that hurts.’ And she says, ‘Hey, all bones matter’.”

Could it be that Mr. Pitts has never been to an emergency room after falling and breaking a bone? Yes, the caregiver is naturally concerned about the apparent injury, but sometimes the pain of one injury masks another injury also incurred in the accident. Did you hurt your back trying to catch your fall? Did you twist an ankle trying to avoid the accident that resulted in the broken wrist? A prudent physician wants the whole patient to be healthy. In this case, making sure “All bones matter” is what must be the overarching goal of quality patient care.

Pitts’ race-baiting column and his indictment of people who truly believe that “All life matters,” like myself, as “moral cowards” has me wondering. I am wondering since the beginning of the “BLM” movement, if “black lives” actually matter in places like the inner cities of Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit and New York where the carnage of black-on-black crime is getting out-of-control, primarily wasting the lives of young, black men.

And, Mr. Pitts, what nasty name do you have for me and millions of others who believe that “Unborn lives matter” too, and have no way to defend themselves? Hmm.

You can e-mail Leonard Pitts on lpitts@miamiherald.com.

As for this “moral coward” and my blog, let the hate comments begin.

Two Parties Send in the Clowns: In Detroit and Charleston

This week we saw two clowns back at it again; one a Democrat, the other a Republican. One in the local big tent and the other, sadly, on the national stage. Let’s start with the local buffoon.

Former Detroit City Clowncilwoman, Democrat Monica Conyers (the wife of Democratic Congressman John Conyers), has filed suit in a Detroit court for “gruesome” injuries she suffered thanks to a more famous clown, Ronald McDonald. Conyers is seeking $25,000 from a Detroit-area McDonald’s franchise owner after she allegedly cut a finger on a chair at a McDonald’s inside Detroit Metropolitan Airport on New Year’s Day.

Conyer’s attorney, Amir Makled of Dearborn, says the chair may be defective and that Conyer’s suffered an “extremely painful” cut which caused her to lose a nail. Makled says that Conyers, six months later, remains “severely injured” and, worst yet, his client suffered “extreme pain and anguish” and has lost the full use of her hand.

Aha! That’s the ticket, er, the reason for the lawsuit. See, you cannot really suffer “anguish” from a finger cut, even if you lose a nail. You suffer anguish when your child dies or you are given a terminal cancer diagnosis or nine members of your church family are gunned down by a racist psychopath.But for Conyers, her ticket to 25 large is losing the “full use of her hand.”

For Conyers, her hands have enriched her and, of course, sent her into the hoosegow.  In 2010, one of the most powerful politicians in one of the then-most corrupt cities in the country was convicted of accepting bribes to alter her city council vote and support a billion-dollar sludge hauling contract for a corrupt Houston-based company. Conyers put out her hand and got the loot, only to soon find her hands decorated by two beautiful bracelets commonly known as handcuffs. She pleaded guilty and accepted a 37-month plea deal that put her in a women’s prison that had the nickname “Camp Cupcake.” Of course, when the judge accepted the plea and announced the sentence, Conyers went berserk in court and tried to recant the plea. Oh, did I mention that in addition to being a crook, Conyers is certifiable?

So, going forward, now out of the slammer, Conyers hands are very important to her when it comes to earning a living. And now those careless bastards at McDonald’s have disfigured her for life.

I hope the judge in the lawsuit throws out the case the first second possible and leaves this disgraceful woman with empty “hands.”

On to the national stage and this time it’s a Republican acting like a clown. And, it is more far-reaching, destructive and troubling than a crooked Detroit politician could conceive. In the wake of the horrible mass murder of nine God-fearing black Christian parishioners in a historically important church in Charleston, South Carolina by a deranged young white man, presidential hopeless, ah, hopeful Rick Santorum has decided his theme song will be composed of only one note: the assault on religious liberty.

As a Christian I am all for religious liberty as it is one of the great things that sets our great country apart from so many.  And, I believe Christianity is being assaulted in this country and around the world. But Santorum, commenting on the dreadful carnage in Charleston could not come to grips with what every sane person in America could see: the killings were racially motivated. Pure and simple. White kid, loner, pictures of him with pro-apartheid emblems on his jacket goes into majority-black church during a Bible study and kills nine black people.

There was not an iota of evidence that the killer was trying to “assault” the parishioner’s religious liberty. No, he was there to slaughter black people. Sadly, he succeeded. But here’s how the moronic former Pennsylvania Senator saw it:

“It’s obviously a crime of hate. We don’t know the rationale, but what other rationale could there be? You’re sort of lost that someone would walk into a Bible study at a church and indiscriminately kill people. This is one of those situations where you have to take a step a back and say — you talk about the importance of prayer at this time, and we’re now seeing assaults on religious liberty we’ve never seen before. So, it’s a time for deeper reflection even beyond this horrible situation.”

In a breathtaking moment yesterday in Charleston, the family members of the victims openly forgave the accused killer as he was arraigned. They believe, in their hearts, that is what God expected from them as Christians. They are right, in my mind, but still it took a lot of guts and courage to do so. (For those saying WTF, remember that there is huge difference between forgiveness and the justice that WILL take place.)

For Santorum, I hope people will forgive them for this stupidity, ignorance, carelessness and his blind politics. However, I hope the folks in my home state of Iowa don’t FORGET this moment when the Iowa Caucuses come around next year. In 2012, Iowans narrowly gave Santorum an upset victory over Mitt Romney. This time, I hope he falls on his sanctimonious, self-righteous ass.

Sir Poopalot is @ it again!

You would have thought that when “filmmaker” Michael Moore made a fool out of himself a few months ago calling “American Sniper” hero Chris Kyle a coward, he had pegged the stupidity meter so mightily that he would never been heard from again saying something completely stupid. By now we are all used to audacious statements from the portly slob: remember the gem about Cuba having better medical care than the U.S.?

Well, in a story this morning in the Detroit Free Press and just in time as our nation gathers to pay tribute to our service men and women, Moore has outdone himself again. In the span of about an hour late last month, Moore filled the Twittersphere with inane comments blasting police and calling for prisons to open their doors and let the criminals, especially African-American prisoners, to be set free immediately.

What follows are Moore’s tweets and my commentary on his stupidity, his cop bashing, his race baiting, and his cowardice.

Moore: Imprison u, shoot u, sever your spine, crush your larynx, send u to war, keep u poor, call u a thug, not let you vote. But u can sing for us.

My take: Obviously speaking on behalf of African-Americans, right? Not let you vote? In the last election, President Obama got 95 percent of the black vote. African-Americans as a group had a higher voting percentage than whites. Oh, forgot, psychopaths like Moore never let the facts get in the way of their BS. And boy, allowing anyone to spew that “thug” is a termed reserved for blacks in this country is just downright tiring. A thug is a thug – white, black, brown or green.

Of course, Moore was just getting started and floored the stupidity pedal.

Moore: Here’s my demand: I want every African-American currently incarcerated for drug “crimes” or non-violent offenses released from prison today!

My take: Do you want a crack dealer or a heroin dealer or an identity thief released today? But hey Mikey, is your “demand” a get-out-of-jail card for black criminals only? Doesn’t that sound kinda, what’s the term, ah, racist? Tubby must have choked on his Big Mac when he re-read his tweet and seconds later scurried to fix his error, yet in doing so put his head further up his abundant ass.

Moore: And the rest who r imprisoned – I don’t believe 50% of them did what they’re accused of. Lies. Greed. A modern day slave system. Poor whites.

My take: Whoa! Where do you start? Where did Moore find the statistic that 50 percent of those incarcerated never did what they are being punished for? Oh yeah, I forgot where his head was residing when he wrote that dandy. But Mike, good catch on including non-black prisoners in your stupid “demand.” Of course, Moore is probably too stupid to realize that his equating incarcerating criminals to slavery demeans how awful the institution of slavery was in this country. Slaves had few, if any rights and absolutely no choice while criminals can decide if they want to do the crime to do the time and have all the rights of this country when charged, even a free public defender.

By this point, Moore’s head was inching ever so close to his ginormous stomach, when he unleashed this beauty:

Moore: Next demand: Disarm the police. We have a ¼ billion 2nd amendment guns in our homes 4 protection. We’ll survive til the right cops r hired.

My take: Again, where to start. Sure, disarm the police, but do so first in Mikey’s home town and see how that works for him. “We’ll survive” until we get the right cops? Do you think anybody would want to be a cop in Moore’s nirvana of a world? Oh, and I assume the criminals will disarm too, right? Sir Poopalot, if you are having trouble visioning what your demand means, look no further than Baltimore where the cops have, for all practical purposes, voluntarily dis-armed for fear of being charged for upholding the law and this month – the month after Freddy Gray’s “killers” were charged in his death – the murder rate and shootings by its citizens have soared to ALL-TIME highs. Finally, Moore was through. Well, not quite.

Moore: Local cops now militarized. Founding Fathers said NO army policing on our soil. Why do cops have tanks? Oh right – the Enemy: The Black Man.

My take: Some, repeat, some police departments are getting surplus military DEFENSE equipment. If I was a cop in say, Baltimore, I would rather be in an armored vehicle than just holding a plastic shield to defend myself against thugs (oops, there I go) throwing slabs of concrete at me and my fellow officers. And dear Michael, if you don’t like our “police state,” get your fat ass on a plane to your beloved Cuba and enjoy the Castro brothers’ tranquility as they don’t have any armed forces pestering the masses. Not! Well, at least you won’t get a hassle for going there anymore thanks to the actions of our fearless leader. And p.s., do me and all of Spartan Nation a favor, please don’t wear a MSU baseball hat anymore; I almost cry every time I see you squeezing your fat melon into Spartan green.